Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Night of the Whore-hopper - 2010 edition

"There are too many whores in politics these days, but the night of the whore-hopper is coming. Many will be called, and 9 out of 10 will be chosen-- to be herded down the long slippery ramp and into the bottomless sheep dip, where they will wallow and struggle helplessly (some of them drowning) until their bodies are disinfected by powerful acids, vapors, and the fumes of terrible lice medicines that will fry their brains like bacon left too long in the microwave....

The end will not come quickly, like it says in Revelations 22:7. First will come the shit-rain, then the sheep dip, and after that, the terrible night of the whore-hopper, which might last 1,000 years." - HST - Better Than Sex

Well it is going to be interesting at the very least.  Quick, totally unfounded, predictions: 

Republicans pick up 45-50 House seats and 9 Senate seats.  Rand Paul becomes Mitch McConnell's worst nightmare.  Joe Lieberman holds the Democratic caucus hostage for the next two years.  Neither party learns a damn thing and double down on idealogical short sightedness.  Discouraged, voter turn-out drops to 20% in 2012.  Politicians rejoice as we continue our decent down the slippery ramp and into the dreaded sheep dip.  

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