Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Plastic Moment #7, September 2, 2009, 2:25:22PM

United States Court House, New York, NY
(40.713758, -74.001392)

"please check your cellphone in at the security sir"

"of course", my weary tone implying my familiarity with this particular routine. I'm in post metal detector reassembly mode. Scooping up all of my personal effects from a gray tupperware bin and redistributing them to their proper place and pockets. As I finish up I pat myself gently on the thighs and smooth my slacks out in an exaggerated fashion. Then I head in to the security office. As I enter I can't help but eavesdrop a bit of peculiar conversation between security officers.

"'s just that they could be transmitting from inside here, covertly broadcasting sensitive details of our operation, is all." Security Guy #1 explains nonchalantly.

As I reach the desk Security Guy #2 is trying hard not to give his colleague an "are you fuckin' kidding me?" look but it's pretty obvious that's what he's thinking. There is a lengthy uncomfortable pause as the two men search for a way to change subject while avoiding eye contact. But then they realize that I'm standing over them with my blackberry held extended in a surrendering fashion, and they take the opportunity to let the uncomfortable conversation die.

"you've turned it off sir?"

I nod affirmatively and contemplate what I'm going to do with all of the covert transmissions containing the essential details of their security operation. SG #2 takes my phone and turns to retrieve a numbered token in exchange. Just then a third Security Guy emerges from a back room coming around the desk toward the door.

"Jimmy remind me to take my gun home with me tonight.", SG #3 declares without looking at anyone or giving up a hint as to which of the two is Jimmy.

"What am I your fuckin' mother?", responds SG #1 (possibly Jimmy)

"What the hell you need your gun at home for man?", questions SG #2

"Yeah, you live in fuckin' suffolk county, nothing ever happens out there, what do you need it for to commit suicide or something?" Possibly Jimmy's gallows humor yields a sly chuckle out of SG #2 and a nervous smile from me. But just as he's about to reach the door out in to the corridor SG #3 turns slowly around and glares back at his mocking compatriots.

His eyes are dark and lifeless. I swear I see the abyss reflected in their clouded liquid sheen. His eyes have obviously not seen sleep for sometime. They have not rested as he's spent long cold nights awake planning and un-planning existential escape routes from some unknown personal situation. The air in the tiny security office goes cold and silent as each extended second passes with a cold deliberate tick. Each of us are trying to avoid the crushing twilight gaze of SG #3 that is locked on to some distant unseen point off in the distance. And then he simply shrugs, his shoulders rising slightly followed by his arms dropping like beef slabs at his sides. He wordlessly turns and walks out in to the corridor.

I turn and silently take the token for my phone from SG #2 and follow the third man out. As I emerge in to the cool marble corridor I can hear the two men returning again to their conversation as if nothing had ever happened.

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